I had a hair appointment this morning… Frankie curled my hair and it looked totally cute all day š Then I met Nana, Kristie, Ash, Hannah and Kevin at Steak and Shake for lunch, then while they all went back to work, I went home and sewed!
And I finished Ms Marvel! I’m so relieved. It seemed like it was in a gazillion pieces to me with so much left to do, but I got it all done this afternoon. All that’s left is a hook-and-eye in the collar and my mask.

Can I just tell you how many disasters I had with such a little costume? Well the final, shoot-me-now moment came this afternoon when I’d finished hand sewing the lightning bolt in place, got it laid out and went to lay the back over it to sew them together… and discovered I’d sewn the dang bolt onto the BACK piece!!!! Luckily I was able to repin the pattern on it and recut it to be a front piece, and had enough fabric left to recut a new back piece.
I’m pretty happy with it, the boots are a PAIN IN THE BUTT to get on, they’re super tight and take a lot of working to get on. Because of that they tend to ride a little lower than I’d like, I wish they were about 2 inches taller, but they’ll do for now, I may buy all new boots for Dragoncon if I’m going to walk in this in the parade (the current are stilletos. If I do end up keeping these, I’ll be taking a cab to the start of the parade.)
But, high point, because they are so tight they don’t fall down. LOL.
So all that’s left on Jane is finishing the skirt and the belt. I finished sewing my lace onto my parasol. I need to finish the front gathered piece, and sew the waistband on. That’s it. I should be done by Sunday.
today’s princess… is Padme.

I don’t like her face. I used a reference for the face for the first time in a long time, and I think that’s why I’m not crazy about it.